Sunday, November 18, 2012

Purchase Order Integration in Oracle EBS

Underneath is to give an overview of the integration of various modules of an Oracle e-Business Suite from a PO point of view. It determines dependencies that how the different modules communicate data between each others.

è Account Payable

  • Matching need PO number to match Invoices
  • PO Distribution Details Default to Invoice Lines
  • Projects and Assets Information default to Invoice Line Distribution depending on PO Match
  • AP Invoice Holds depend on PO Tolerance limits and Paid When Holds are released and Tolerance level met

è Inventory

  • Items Setup in Inventory are Used in a PO
  • Item Attributes Assigned define behavior of Items on a PO
  • Categories Defined and assigned to Items are defaulted to Items Ordered in a PO

è Projects

  • Projects setup in Project Accounting can be selected at the PO Distribution level
  • Type of Project Determines the Project default
  • Accounting derived based on Defaults for Projects
  • Project status affects the use of specific project on a PO

è Fixed Assets

  • Items classified with Asset Category used on a PO derive the classification of Item on a PO line
  • PO Defaults are interfaced to Assets via APModule
  • Asset Category & Asset Clearing Account is interfaced to Assets from PO
  • Important to select Appropriate Account on PO, before the PO Line can interface to Assets via Mass Additions
  • Supplier information defaults to Assets from PO
  • Employee and Manufacturer information interfaced from PO to Assets

è General Ledger

  • All Account details defined on Items, Projects or Item Categories determine the account on a PO Shipment’s Distribution
  • Employee Default account information determines the account on a PO Distribution for Expense related PO/Requisition
  • Default account selected on a Requisition derives the account on a PO Distribution
  • SLA Definition derives the account upon GL Transfer

è Order Management

  • Items defined as Outside Processing (OSP) are defaulted on an Internal Sales Order, which then converts it into an Internal Requisition and a PO
  • Drop-shipment functionality affects PO Item behavior


The purchasing module uses the HR employee database for the following purposes:

  • Designate employees as buyers.
  • To assign documents (purchase orders, requisitions, etc.) against them when these documents are created.

The module can use either the supervisory or the position hierarchy for routing approvals

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Period-End Procedures for Oracle Financials E-Business Suite R12

Sunday, July 8, 2012

PURCHASE ORDERS: Control Actions. Frequently asked questions about Purchase Orders.

Following note is very helpfull regarding Purchase Orders status.

PURCHASE ORDERS: Control Actions. Frequently asked questions about Purchase Orders.

Why does canceling the PO not automatically cancel assigned requisition, even when the checkbox 'Cancel requisition' is checked?

The intended functionality is that when a PO is canceled and the cancel requisition option is selected, it only cancels the backing requisition lines not the header. So only requisition lines will get canceled not the header.

Why do I get an APP-14056 error when canceling a PO shipment that has been matched?

Please check to see if the shipment being canceled is not Over Billed [billed more than received]. In that case it cannot be canceled.

Why does 'Canceling of Standard PO' not change the status of the document? The Status stays in value 'Approved'.

The authorization status remains Approved. Even if PO is canceled, only the canceled flag is set to 'Y'. It is intended functionality.

Can I automatically 'Close' the Purchase order without receiving the full quantity?

The Receipt Close Tolerance lets you specify a quantity percentage within which Purchasing closes a partially received shipment. For example, if your Receipt Close Tolerance is 5% and you receive 96% of an expected shipment, Purchasing automatically closes this shipment for receiving.

When does a Purchase Order line get Closure Status 'Closed for Receiving'?

Purchasing automatically closes shipments for receiving and invoicing based on Tolerances that you specify in the Purchasing Options window. Once all shipments for a given line are received and invoiced within these tolerances, Purchasing automatically closes the line.

When does a Purchase order get Closure Status 'Closed'?

When all lines for a given header are closed, Purchasing automatically closes the document.

What is the difference between the control actions 'On Hold' and 'Freeze' for a Purchase order?

You can place a Purchase order 'On hold' only at the header level. This unapproved the purchase order while preventing printing, receiving, invoicing, and future approval until you remove the hold. You can 'Freeze' only at the header and release level. You freeze a Purchase order when you want to prevent any future modifications to the Purchase order. When you freeze a Purchase order, you can still receive and pay for goods you already ordered. If you use a Requisition template or Auto Source to source requisition lines from a Purchase order line, Purchasing does not automatically update the corresponding sourcing information when you freeze a purchase order with which you source requisition lines. If you freeze a purchase order, you have to update the corresponding information in the Requisition Templates or the Auto Source Rules window.

What are the different document statuses/actions used in Oracle Purchasing?

This discusses mainly the statuses/actions of a purchase order:
Before documents are approved; you can delete them or their components from the document entry window. If you use online requisitions, Purchasing returns all requisitions associated with your delete action to the requisition pool. You can reassign these unfilled requisitions to other purchase orders or releases using the Auto Create Documents window.

Purchasing lets you terminate an existing commitment to buy from a supplier by canceling document headers, lines, shipments, or releases. When you cancel a purchase order entity, you are unable to receive or pay for cancelled items and services; however, you can pay for all previously received orders. You also cannot modify a cancelled entity or its components.

Final Close
Prevent modifications to or actions against completed documents, lines, and shipments by final closing them. Final-closed documents are not accessible in the corresponding entry forms, and you cannot perform the following actions against final-closed entities: Receive, Transfer, Inspect, Deliver, Correct receipt quantities, Invoice, Return to supplier, or Return to receiving.
You can approve documents that include final-closed entities, but you cannot approve documents that are final closed at the header level. You can print final-closed documents. Finally, you can Purge documents that were final closed at the header level before the Last Activity Date that you specify when you submit Purge.

Freeze your purchase orders and releases to prevent changes or additions while maintaining the ability to receive and match invoices against received shipments. You cannot access frozen documents in the entry forms.

Place documents on hold to un-approve them while preventing printing, receiving, invoicing, and future approval until you remove the hold.

When you firm an order, Master Scheduling/MRP uses the firm date to create a time fence within which it will not suggest new planned purchase orders, cancellations, or reschedule–in actions. It continues to suggest reschedule–out actions for orders within the time fence. If several shipments with different promised or need–by dates reference the same item, Master Scheduling/MRP sets the time fence at the latest of all scheduled dates.
You can firm orders at the document header or shipment level. If you firm at the header level, Purchasing applies this control to every shipment on the document.

Purchasing automatically closes shipments for receiving and invoicing based on controls that you specify in the Purchasing Options window. Once all shipments for a given line are closed, Purchasing automatically closes the line. When all lines for a given header are closed, Purchasing automatically closes the document.

Close for Receiving
The Receipt Close Tolerance lets you specify a quantity percentage within which Purchasing closes a partially received shipment. For example, if your Receipt Close Tolerance is 5% and you receive 96% of an expected shipment, Purchasing automatically closes this shipment for receiving.
The Receipt Close Point lets you choose which receiving action (Received, Accepted, or Delivered) you want to use as the point when Purchasing closes a shipment for receiving based on the Receipt Close Tolerance. For example, if you set a Receipt Close Tolerance of 5% and choose Delivered as your Receipt Close Point, Purchasing closes shipments for receiving when you have delivered 95% or more of the ordered quantity.

Close for Invoicing
The Invoice Close Tolerance lets you specify a similar quantity percentage within which Purchasing automatically closes partially invoiced shipments for invoicing.

You can open at the header, line, and shipment levels.

Open for Receiving
You can reopen for receiving at the header, line, and shipment level.

Open for Invoicing
You can reopen for invoicing at the header, line, and shipment level.

You can unfreeze only at the header and release levels.

Will shipment of a PO be cancelled if these conditions are met?

Shipment Checks:
Quantity received >= quantity ordered -> Fully received
Quantity billed >= quantity ordered -> fully billed
Distribution Checks:
Quantity billed > quantity ordered -> over billed
Quantity delivered > quantity ordered -> over delivered

If you partially received a shipment corresponding to multiple distributions, Purchasing cannot always cancel the shipment. To make sure Purchasing can cancel a shipment, enter the delivery transactions for the receipts you entered against that shipment. You can use express delivery to facilitate this process.
No records in receiving interface for this entity being cancelled. The ASN for this entity being cancelled should be completely received.

What are need to be tried If USER_EXIT error is raised when 'Canceling'?

Regenerate the message file.
Disable all the custom triggers.
Check the quantities whether they are matching with the conditions.

Why Closed Code is set to 'I' when Cancellation failed with user exit error?

When using encumbrance, the funds checker will be called before canceling the document. Fund checker will change the cancel flag to ‘I’. Now the cancellation code will process the record and change the cancel flag to ‘Y’. In our case the fund checker went through fine. But it failed in the cancellation code.

Is there anyway I can revert back the document if a Purchase Order/Requisition is cancelled accidentally?

No. The cancellation is a non-reversible process. Once the document is canceled we cannot revert it back.

Can I Receive a shipment even when it is "Closed for Receiving"?

Yes, it does not prevent you from receiving.

Can a Closed / Finally Closed Purchase Order be reopened?

You can Open a Closed purchase order but you cannot take any control action on Finally Closed PO.

How to cancel the invoice when the associated purchase order PO is finally closed (Error message APP-SQLAP-10232: This Invoice is matched to a Finally Closed PO)?

By Finally Closing the Purchase Order, this indicates that there is no further obligation on the Purchase Order. Therefore, you cannot take any further action on the Invoice matched to this Purchase Order.

Can I match an Invoice against a line even when it is 'Closed for Invoicing'?

The Close for Invoicing status does not prevent you from matching an invoice to a purchase order or to a receipt.

What are the valid Statuses/Actions for Requisitions?

For requisitions, the only available actions are Cancel and Finally Close.

Is It Possible To Final Close Purchase Orders With Matched Invoices On Hold?

If the invoice hold allows accounting the purchase order can be finally closed. To check whether the invoice hold allows accounting, navigate under payables responsibility to- Setup->Invoice->Hold and Release Names. Query the 'hold' that was placed on the invoice and check whether 'Accounting Allowed Flag' is checked.

Reference Metalink ID # 225217.1

Saturday, June 30, 2012

No entries found for list of values while running Purchase Order print report

One of the Inventory user was getting the below error "No list of values error" while running purchase order print report"

We have given the same responsibility to 3 users and 2 of them were able to run the report successfully but only one user was reporting the above error.

I checked responsibility and users every thing was looking fine but when i checked their EBS userids then came to know the user who is getting the error was not defined as an employee in Purchasing Super user ====> Setup===> Employee. Either to define employee in HR or in Purchasing and we are using purchasing to define the employees

Once i defined the employee and tagged the same employee name in User creation form like below screen , our issue was resolved :)

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Oracle General Ledger Overview

The Oracle General Ledger is the central repository of accounting information. The main purpose of a general ledger system is to record financial activity of a company and to produce financial and management reports to help people inside and outside the organization make decisions.

Oracle General Ledger is a comprehensive financial management solution that enables you to:

·         Record and Review Accounting Information

·         Import data from subsidiary ledgers, or enter journals to record actual or budget transaction directly into oracle general ledger

·         Enter encumbrance journals to track encumbrances through the purchase process and to control spending against budgeted amounts.

·         Review account balances online or through reports.

·         Analyze, correct, and adjust accounting information.

·         Correct actual, budget, and encumbrance information.

·         Revalue and translate balances denominated in foreign currencies.

·         Consolidate balances from multiple ledgers.

·         Analyze Accounting Information

·         Integrate Oracle GL with Oracle Discoverer, or Web Applications Desktop Integrator to simply the budgeting and forecasting process.

·         Use FSG to build customized reports with reusable report objects.

·         Use Oracle Report Manager to submit and publish FSGs

      General Ledger Accounting Cycle

1- Open period
2- Create/reverse journal entries

3- Post

4- Review

5- Revalue

6- Translate

7- Consolidate

8- Review/correct balances

9- Run accounting reports

10- Close accounting period

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

APP-PO-14258: No rate has been defined for this date

We had the below error while receiving multi currency PO due to missing of required dates conversion rates in the system.

APP-PO-14258: No rate has been defined for this date


The issue is caused by missing conversions rates between foreign currency and functional currency for the date you are receiving the PO (transaction_date)
The rate type that you have entered uses pre-defined rates. No rate has been defined for the current rate type and rate date combination.

Define conversions rate between foreign currency and functional currency for the date you are receiving the Purchase Order.

There are 2 possibilities

A) Define conversion rate between SAR and EUR on 22-MAY-2012
1. Go into the responsibility General Ledger

2. Navigate to daily rates form

3. Define conversion rate between SAR and EUR on 22-MAY-2012 for rate type Corporate


B) When entering receipts change the Rate Date in receipts form / currency tab to a date with an existing rate

1. Go into the responsibility Purchasing

2. Navigate to Receipts form. Search for PO 2907

3. In currency tab change date to a date for which a corporate rate exists between EUR and SAR currency
(for instance 02-APR-2012 00:00:00, ie rate of purchase order level)

For more detail please go through Purchasing User Guide 11i, Entering Receipt Header Information, Page No: 7-40:

FRM-40212: Invalid value for PO_NUM

We were getting below error while receiving planned PO :) in oracle inventory

FRM-40212: Invalid value for PO_NUM

Cause :-

Steps to reproduce
1. Navigate to Enter Receipts form
2. Enter PO number
4. Click Find
5. FRM-40212: Invalid value for PO_NUM

Since this was planned PO and user was trying to receive it in inventory without creating the release of this planned PO so while searching from receipt window he was getting " FRM-40212: Invalid value for PO_NUM"

A Planned PO can not be receipted


We did below steps to resolve this issue:-

RCVRCERC Receipts Cannot Be Queried FRM-40212 INVALID PO_NUM (Doc ID 304253.1)

==> PO Users Guide, Purchase Orders, Entering Releases Page 4 – 105:

" Use the Releases window to enter, edit, and approve releases against blanket purchase agreements or planned purchase orders.

1. Navigate to the Releases window by selecting Releases from the menu or selecting the New Release button in the Find Purchase Orders window.
2. Enter the PO number for the release you want to create. The list of values displays all blanket and planned purchase order numbers that have been approved, the document type, status, supplier,
buyer, and effectivity date range (global agreements are not available for releases). "

When you wish to receipt the approved release, you enter the release number in the Receiving Find form.
As per oracle standard business rule, Planned and blanket POs can not be received without making release, We can only receipt standard POs directly in inventory but not planned or blanket.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Procure to Pay cycle

In EBS Procure to Pay cycle covers the following stages:-

1. Creating Requisition
2. Creating Purchase Order
3. Creating Receipt
4. Creating Invoice in AP
5. Paying the Invoice
6. Transfer, Import and Post to GL

                                    Here is the diagrammatic representation:

This is a pure functional Stuff and helps to understand the navigation steps. The screenshots given below are taken from R12.1.1.

Stage 1: Choosing an Item

Choose an item to be procure in our example, Go to Purchasing Responsibility and follow the below navigation to check for the suitable item.

 The item picked for our example should be purchasable item as below. Click on tools and choose “Categories” to view the below screen

 Stage 2: Creation of Requisition

Follow the below Navigation to reach Requisition Form

Create a new Requisition for the item viewed in Stage 1

Click on distributions to View the charge Account.

Save and Submit for Approval

Stage 3 : Checking the Status of Requisition

Now note down the Requisition number and open the “Requisition Summary Form” to view the status of it. For our Example, Requisition number is: 14855

Query the Needed Requisition Number and click Find.

 We have the only one approver in vision instance so to see the approval status, please follow the below navigation. 

Underlying Tables:


Stage 4 : Creation of Purchase Order

There are 4 types of Purchase Orders:

1. Standard PO: A Standard PO is created for one–time purchase of various items

2. Planned PO: A Planned PO is a long–term agreement committing to buy items or services from a single source. You must specify tentative delivery schedules and all details for goods or services that you want to buy, including charge account, quantities, and estimated cost.

3. Blanket agreement: A Blanket PO is created when you know the detail of the goods or services you plan to buy from a specific supplier in a period, but you do not know the detail of your delivery schedules.

4. Contract agreement: Contract purchase agreements are created with your suppliers to agree
on specific terms and conditions without indicating the goods and services that you will be purchasing

For creating a Purchase order from already created PR, let us use the “Autocreate Documents” Form. Follow the below Navigation.

Query for the Requisition

Click on Automatic as shown in the below screen to create a Purchase Order

Click on “Create” button to create a Purchase order

 View the shipment screen to change the “Match Approval Level”

Click the “Receiving Controls” to make sure that the “Routing” is made as “Direct Routing”

Click Save and submit for Approval

Please note down the PO number so you could find it easily in next examples

Underlying Tables:


in Distributions table is the Requisition number for this PO)
Stage 5: Creation of Receipts

Query with the Purchase order from below screen which was created in the above stage

 Check the check box near to the lines that are received and click save

Click the “Header Button” to view the Receipt Number

Receipt Tables are:

Stage 6: Checking the On Hand

Go to Inventory Responsibility and follow the below Navigation to verify the on hand quantity

Query by Receipt number and make sure that Organization is the same as we received

Below screen shot will show the difference in inventory that it has increased.

Stage 7: Check the Material Transactions

Follow the below Navigation to open “Material Transactions” Form

Query by item and by date from below screen and click find

Below screen shows the source and transaction Type

Below screen shows the Serial Numbers of the items received

Stage 8: Creation of Invoice
Navigate to Purchasing Responsibility and view a Requests 
Submit the below requests by providing the above created Receipt number as Parameter to create an invoice.

Click View and see the statu of submitted request

Stage 9: Checking the Invoice

Change to Payables Responsibility and open the query invoices Form. Query by Purchase order and click "Find" as below.

Click “Actions” Button then tick the “Validate Check Box” and press “Ok” to validate the invoice

Below screenshot will give the validated status of the invoice

Invoice Tables:


Stage 10: Creation of Accounting and Payment

Once invoice got approved then we can “Create Accounting” and “Create Payments” via “Action” Button in the “Invoice Form” as we validated the invoice in above steps.

Accounting Entries Tables:

Payment Tables:

Stage 11: Transfer to GL, Import and Post

Run the concurrent program “Payables Transfer to General Ledger” with the required parameters, import and post accordingly.