Saturday, January 22, 2011

How to Change IP address in E-Business Suite

We might have the requirement to change the Server IPs in different versions of an oracle EBS later like in R12 and in 11i which we can done by using below steps:-

==> R12

1- Shudown the AppsTier
2. Update the required IP in '/etc/hosts' file
3. Run AutoConfig in DbTier
4. Run AutoConfig in AppsTier
5. Start AppsTier

==> 11i

1. Change the IP Address in the Server;

2. Verify the current ip address setup in the Oracle Applications environment. Connect as apps user into SQL*Plus and run:

select NODE_NAME, STATUS, NODE_MODE, NODE_ID,SERVER_ADDRESS, HOST, DOMAIN, WEBHOST, VIRTUAL_IP from fnd_nodes where node_name = upper('hostname');

3. Run the following command to remove the old ip address from the Oracle Applications tables:

perl $AD_TOP/bin/ appspass=apps contextfile=$APPL_TOP/admin/<SID>_hostname.xml -removeserver

replace <SID>_hostname.xml for the context file name under the $APPL_TOP/admin directory;

then connect to SQL*Plus as apps user and run:

FND_NET_SERVICES.remove_server('<SID>', '<hostname>');

replace <SID> by the SID of the environment and <hostname> by the hostname in the environment. Both must be entered in upper case.

4. Run autoconfig to populate the values using the new IP Address.

5. Confirm the ip address has been changed to the new value changed in the step 1:

select NODE_NAME, STATUS, NODE_MODE, NODE_ID,SERVER_ADDRESS, HOST, DOMAIN, WEBHOST, VIRTUAL_IP from fnd_nodes where node_name = upper('hostname');

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